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The Fine Art of Dreaming 101 and Beyond...

     Dreams Do Come True

In this course, there will be no argument about the Number One Axiom...

If you want to debate it, go take a philosophy class…

If you want to disprove it, go study physics…but I guarantee, quantum theory will give you a run for your money…and you’ll either end up back here…or, however comfortably, in one sort of cage or another (give that one some thought)…

And finally...though I doubt by virtue of your being here, this applies to many if any of you… if you simply want to disagree with Axiom Number One...even if for no good reason, including just to be stubborn…that’s your business. But don’t come crying to me about the hard life you lead or the sorry company you keep. I don’t mean to be harsh, just truthful and unequivocally direct.

Right then, Universal Axiom Number Two:

The Dreaming You Do Is All Up To You

Now Axiom Number Two sounds simple enough...and it really is! But to one's great misfortune, it is often forgotten.

In addition, things get trickier when you start involving others in your dreams.  A good rule of thumb to follow...assume little...and make sure you're on the same page as much as possible.  Most importantly, the better handle you have on yourself and your own dreams, the better things will simply fall into place.

Good, Universal Axiom Number Three:

       Dreaming is Indeed a Fine Art

Given this fact, don't get discouraged if things don't immediately go your way. As with any fine art, becoming good at it, much less a master, takes lots of practice and patience, lots of learning and discipline. It's true that it might come easier to some than others, but don't think they haven't  been practicing their craft over many lifetimes. Another good rule of thumb...listen to what the masters have to say and don't believe the naysayers that stand in your way.

There you go...I think that should do it...for now anyway. There are a few more principles, laws and rules of thumb to follow, but those will come soon enough.

With that said, we will begin by exploring...and I do mean exploring...this Fine Art of Dreaming not as much by direct instruction as by example...that is, in this course we will stand witness to the creative process…and I do mean process.

So, everyone…welcome to class…I hope you enjoy...and participate in...The Fine Art of Dreaming 101…and Beyond! Thank you.

I am Professor Rathbone, Nigel Pinkerton Rathbone that is...and, as Mr. Frangiamore's rather provocative introduction indicates...I have been asked to introduce the basics of this course on the Fine Art of Dreaming 101 and Beyond...

So let's immediately get down with the basic facts...or Universal Axioms as I call them...

Universal Axiom Number One:
Greetings everyone!
As Simple as 1, 2, 3...